Female Bodybuilding: How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

Maybe you think you have a pretty balanced diet, you maintain a great physique and have an excellent workout regime. But if you are a lady who has decided to start bodybuilding seriously you need to ask yourself if you are getting enough protein in order to achieve the best results.

We all know how important protein is. Every single cell in our body contains protein this is why it is crucial to get enough into our bodies. This is even more important for bodybuilding. The average adult needs about 0.36 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. However, the demand on female bodybuilders’ muscles is seriously heavy and therefore they need significantly more protein. In fact, to achieve the best possible gains in muscle mass, female bodybuilders should be looking to consume about 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. So if you weigh 140 pounds you need to consume 140 grams of protein.

When To Get The Most From Protein

Your body need protein not only for muscle growth but also to aid recovery after your workouts. If you are busy doing deadlifts and squatting hard then you need adequate protein in order to recover. That is why it is important to consume protein immediately after a workout. Research has shown that protein synthesis is highest about an hour after exercise and the rate of synthesis is increased with the consumption of up to 40 grams of protein during that time.

High Protein Diet

Amino Acids which make up protein are the building blocks of muscle. Nine of those amino acids are essential meaning we can not produce them naturally. The only way to ensure we get enough is through our diet. This is why a high protein diet can be incredibly beneficial for female bodybuilders. Recent studies show that following a high protein diet not only maintains and gains muscle mass but can also actually reduce body fat.
However, a lot of women tend to shy away from such diets for fears that they will cause kidney issues or interfere with your bone health. These however are simply myths. If you are a healthy, active woman with no pre-existing medical issues taking on a high protein diet shouldn’t cause effects of this nature. Nevertheless, with that said you can always consult with your doctor before changing your diet if you have any concerns.
A high protein diet means consuming high protein foods at each meal while limiting intake of carbohydrates. This also helps you to lose weight because without carbohydrates you body burns more fat for fuel. Plus protein makes you feel fuller for longer which clamps down on cravings. Of course when starting a high protein diet specifically to aid bodybuilding it is a good idea to stick to lots of lean proteins with some carbs mainly in the form of fruits and vegetables.

What Foods Are Best For A High Protein Diet?

Fresh Fish

Brown Fish Fillet on White Ceramic Plate
Fish is an excellent source of protein and is often low in fat.Options such as tuna, salmon and mackerel also offer Omega 3 which is incredibly beneficial yet most people tend not to get enough.

Lean Beef

Red Meat With Chili Pepper and Green Spies
Nothing is more mouth watering than a succulent steak. Even better it is a great protein source. With that said, try to choose a lean cut which will ensure you get all of the protein with much less fat.


Free stock photo of food, dinner, lunch, chicken
Chicken and poultry is loaded with protein but it is best to eat the lean white meat as the dark meat has a higher fat content. Be sure to take of the skin, it might be tasty but does nothing for your hips!


If you’re a vegetarian you don’t need to worry about getting your protein from animal products. Lots of soy alternatives are high in protein such as tofu and often just as tasty.


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Eggs are rich with protein especially the whites. One cup of scrambled eggs alone offers 22 grams of protein.


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Nuts are also loaded with protein although they are often quite high in fat. Therefore eat sparingly. But a handful of almonds or pistachios makes for a great snack


Sunflower Seeds, Cores
Like nuts seeds are also full of protein however these are a great option for people like myself who have a nut allergy. So if you have a sensitivity to nuts, try a handful of pumpkin or flax seeds instead.


Did you know that just one and a half cups of beans has as much protein as a 3 ounce steak? Try adding fava, kidney or white beans into meals to pack a protein punch.


Green, Smoothie, Spinach, Lifestyle
You can also of course get great amounts of protein from supplements such as whey protein. These are great if you are finding it difficult to get all of the protein you need from meals. There are a wide variety of whey protein supplements available and are really convenient especially for post workout shakes.

Final Words

So if you are a lady looking to get more protein in your diet in order to get the best results for bodybuilding, why not try a high protein diet filled with these high protein foods and see if you get positive results?



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