How To Make Money Blogging In The Comfort Of Your Home With No Sweats

Ever thought to yourself if I was on Mastermind my specialist subject would be.............DIY, Football, Gardening, Geography, History, Fly-fishing, Motorbiking, Fashion, Hair, Religion etc etc?

Well there are people out there that share the same enthusiasm in these subjects and want to read about your experiences and learn from your mistakes.

You could continue to bore your friends and loved ones but you could also blog about your specialist subject, interest or hobby AND make money at the same time!!


Neither did I 2 weeks ago I was a complete novice. I knew I wanted to blog but had no clue about how to so I took to Google and searched 'how to blog' and I came across real people who had been through The Wealthy Affiliate Program.

Wealthy Affiliate take you through the blogging/website process step by step. Explaining everything at a level (and in a language) you can understand. Even if you're a complete technophobe.

The best part about the program is that for a starter it's completely free and it stays free for as long as you want it to. So if you don't like what you're learning there's nothing to lose. But if you do want to move up and learn more advance stuff then you pay to be a Premium Member (which I am and would highly recommend).

The community of over 100,000 people all very helpful and willing to answer any questions AND the site owners yes the owners actually interact with you.

Trust me I know that there are so many internet scams out there.......Pyramid schemes, Make money fast online etc etc but this is no get rich quick scheme. I almost got scammed before I found this program totally by accident whilst doing my research. And I'm so glad I did!!

You do have to put the work in to succeed in this field and by work I mean your time. But you can work and learn at your own pace (After all most of us have full-time jobs) AND make money doing what you love.

Personally I love to talk about what I'm passionate about. I can go on for hours and bore people to death. But when you're blogging you actually 'talking' to people that have purposely searched for the topic and want to know more. And when you blog you can 'talk'/write with your own voice. You do not have to put on any airs and graces just talk as if you were talking to a friend.

